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Thorne Flags Homeless Charity Subvention/Saffrey Responds

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The estimates debate is continuing in the House of Assembly with Opposition leader Ralph Thorne declaring he has come to ruffle feathers and highlight areas of alleged wrongdoing.

Mr. Thorne has demanded government justify a number of cases of what he considers to be questionable spending including a half a million dollar payment to a local charity and the almost 30 million US dollar fee for the company that advised on Barbados’ debt restructuring.

The MP for Christ Church South who recently split from the ruling party told the chamber that he boycotted last year’s estimates debate as he considered it to be –quote- “government’s orgy of self-congratulation” and that the important questions were not being asked,

Mr. Thorne stated that he would be the voice for the interests of the people of the country in probing how government spends its money.

One of his references was about the government subvention to the Barbados Alliance to End Homelessness.

Opposition leader Ralph Thorne.


President of the Barbados Alliance to End Homelessness, Kemar Saffrey has defended government’s half-a-million dollar subvention to his organization.   He was responding to the statements by the opposition leader.

Mr. Saffrey denies that he has been canvassing in the St. Michael East constituency.

President of the Barbados Alliance to End Homelessness, Kemar Saffrey

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