Baje to the World Shelved/Govt Supporting Richard Stoute Teen Talent

Baje to the World Shelved/Govt Supporting Richard Stoute Teen Talent

Government has shelved the annual community talent show Baje To The World and will throw its support behind the Richard Stoute Teen Talent Contest this year.
This has been announced by Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister with responsibility for Culture Senator Dr. Shantal Munro-Knight who tells Starcom Network News the decision was taken after responsibility for Baje to the World was shifted from the Ministry of Youth to the Ministry of Culture and a review was conducted.

Dr. Munro-Knight explained that greater emphasis will be placed on original music, on developing the artistes and on creating opportunities for them to record music and to be marketed internationally.

Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister with responsibility for Culture Senator Dr. Shantal Munro-Knight

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