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Three Houses Shooting Victims Identified

identified (4)

Residents of Blades Hill in St. Philip say they are saddened over how the lives of two men from their community were lost.

Residents confirm to Starcom Network News that the two men shot dead by a farmer at Three Houses Plantation were their neighbours Omar Taitt and Jamar Harewood.

Relatives of the two men have reportedly identified the deceased.

The men were shot dead in the early hours of yesterday morning by a farmer, who was guarding his yam crop from alleged crop thieves after some of his produce had previously been stolen.

The farmer is a licensed firearm owner.

When Starcom Network News visited Blades Hill this morning, residents shared their views on the deaths.

And a close friend of the men says he’s deeply hurt by how the events occurred.

A resident of the Blades Hill St. Philip

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