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Supply Challenges Hit Local Businesses Ahead of Xmas


Merchandise supply challenges are affecting Barbadian businesses this Christmas with some ordered items unlikely to arrive before next year.

President of the Barbados Chamber of Commerce and Industry, James Clarke, tells Starcom Network News, the issue has to do with a slower rate of cargo ships passing through the Panama Canal.

President of the Barbados Chamber of Commerce and Industry, James Clarke.

Some retailers confirm the cargo issues are affecting their businesses and say consumers could see a delay or the unavailability of some items for the Christmas holidays due to the logistical issues.

Managing Director of Abeds Stores and Former President of the Barbados Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Eddie Abed, highlighted the issue while speaking on the BCCI’s Let’s Talk Business radio program.

Mr. Abed said some of these goods are indeed due to arrive after Christmas.

Mr. Abed said the merchandise was ordered and paid for long ago and the businesses had expected to get their shipments in time for Christmas.

Managing Director of Abeds Stores and Former President of the Barbados Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Eddie Abed

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