VAT Ease on Residential Electric Bills Extended

VAT Ease on Residential Electric Bills Extended

Residential electricity customers in Barbados are reportedly to continue to get as ease on the VAT paid on bills from the Barbados Light and Power Company.

In August of last year, the government announced a reduction in VAT for domestic customers from 17.5% to 7.5%.

That agreement was initially in effect until the end of September this year.

Starcom Network News understands the VAT ease is being extended for another six months until March next year. Although no official announcement has yet been made.

The previous uncertainty about the status of the VAT reduction apparently caused a delay in the issuing of this month’s electricity bill as a company awaited word from the government.

The statement from the Barbados Light and Power Company on their social media page states that there has been a delay in the issuing of bills for this month as the company was awaiting direction from the government regarding the VAT rates for electricity bills starting October 2023.

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