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Two Men Injured In Weekend Shooting


Two men have been injured in a shooting at St. Paul’s Avenue, Bayville St. Michael.

The police say the incident occurred about 9 pm on Saturday.

When officers arrived in the area of Tonkie’s Sports Bar at St. Paul’s Avenue, several people told them that two men had been shot and that the injured men had run from the area.

The police say they were also informed that a motor car had pulled up and two men jumped out armed with guns and started shooting.

One of the shooting victims, a man in his early fifties from Bayland, St. Michael, returned to the scene and reported that he had been shot in his back and groin while he was sitting in a chair in the area opposite the Sports Bar.

He was transported by ambulance personnel to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.

The second victim, a male in his early twenties from Bayville, St. Michael, was shot in his right arm and right knee. He was transported to the QEH by private motorcar.

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