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Crop Over A Success Despite Some Issues Says NCF

Crop Over Kadooment (1)

The National Cultural Foundation, NCF, considers Crop Over 2023 to have been a general success though admitting there were some issues.

NCF Chief Executive Officer, Carol Roberts Reifer, speaking on VOB’s Down to Brasstacks call-in program noted the collaboration among a wide range of stakeholders to enable a huge rebound of the national festival.

Mrs. Roberts-Reifer pointed out that a significant part of the challenges was created by the fact that there was such a big rebound,

She says this resulted in a large number of successful events that strained the resources of service providers involved in event set-up.

She noted this affected both privately run and state-organised events.

Mrs. Roberts-Reifer promised a review of all aspects of Crop Over including Kadooment but noted that many of the delays at that event were due to issues such as the heavy downpours, mechanical breakdowns in the bands and the fact that many revelers turned up late and some bands didn’t want to move off without them.

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