Project Dawn Launched in St. Andrew

Project Dawn Launched in St. Andrew

Government has launched a new initiative to get young Barbadians who spend a substantial amount of time on the blocks in communities to be involved in activities that suit their need.

Project Dawn was officially launched in Belleplaine St. Andrew.

Minister of Youth Sports and Community Empowerment Charles Griffith handed over gardening equipment to a group that has started an agricultural project on 5 acres of land situated at the back of the community playing field.

Mr. Griffith gave some insight into the project.

He said a newly formed block committee within in Ministry has visited several communities across the country to determine the needs of young people.

Minister of Youth Sports and Community Empowerment Charles Griffith

Meantime the MP for St. Andrew Dr. Romel Springer thanked the stakeholders for forming a partnership with the youth in the area

Member of Parliament for St. Andrew Dr Romel Springer

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