DLP President Criticizes Govt’s Economic Approach

President of the Democratic Labour Party, Dr. Ronnie Yearwood criticised the government’s economic strategy while offering his was own recommendations. He accused government of what he called a tax and spend approach and of continuing to accumulate debt, and sees a need to find ways to grow the economy while spreading the wealth. President of […]
Small Contractors Want Fair Bidding System

Small building contractors welcome a promise by government of a bidding system for state contracts that is more fair and transparent. A new Public Procurement Bill was passed in Parliament this week that government says will modernise and also make more fair, the system of vying for the 1.6 billion dollars in contracts awarded by […]
Reform Should Prioritize The Primary Level, Says BUT

As government ponders an overhaul of this country’s education system, many of this country’s teachers feel that the primary schools should take precedence over any restructuring at the secondary level. President of the Barbados Union of Teachers, Rudy Lovell, tells Starcom Network News that teachers also want the process of consultation to continue before any […]