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Dumping In Gullies A Major Worry


The General Manager of the National Conservation Commission, Ryan Als, sees illegal dumping of garbage in gullies as a significant problem which requires a national effort .

He was speaking in support of comments made by environmentalist Anne Harding of Clean Up Barbados and the Future Centre Trust who highlighted the issue on VOB’s Down to Brass Tacks call-in program.

Miss Harding spoke of tonnes of garbage being found in gullies and fears it could pose a threat to the water supply.


She says the problem has become worse over the years.

Anne Harding of Clean Up Barbados and the Future Centre Trust.

Meantime, Mr. Als of the NCC agrees that illegal dumping is a major concern.


He believes that tackling the country requires a whole of country commitment.

General Manager of the NCC, Ryan Als.

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