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Drought Hits Crops/Some Produce Scarce


This country’s food crop farmers are being badly affected by the current drought which has created a shortage of some produce and price increases are possible.

A recent bulletin from Barbados Meteorological Services states that rainfall especially across the southern sections of the island has been extremely low.

It notes that parishes such as St. Philip, Christ Church, St. John, southern St. George, most of St. Michael as well as southern St. James have been experiencing very dry top soils and short vegetation has been drying out over the past few weeks.

Met Services forecasts the drought will continue for the next few months which would take it up to June.

President of the Food Crop Farmers Association of the Barbados Agricultural Society, Peter Chase, tells Starcom Network News the dry spell has been hard on crops.

Mr. Chase says the supply of locally grown produce will continue to be affected and this could impact prices.

Another food crop farmer, Wayne Clarke, also highlighted the impact of the drought on his operations.



He predicts a shortage of some produce over the next few months.


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