S.O.E Lay-off Talks to Start/BWU Warns Hoteliers

General Secretary of the Barbados Workers Union, Toni Moore has issued a warning to hoteliers and others in the tourism sector who she accuses of trying to turn back the clock on workers’ rights. She was speaking during discussion on the budget in the House of Assembly. Ms. Moore also disclosed that talks are […]
Suspicious Package Prompts Emergency Response at LESC

The police have given notice of the discovery of a suspicious package at the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Center, LESC, at Two Mile Hill, St. Michael. A police statement says that the Operations Control Room received a call from personnel of the Barbados Fire service informing that there was a reported suspicious package located in a […]
Suspect in Custody for Injuring Policeman in Fake License Incident

A man who allegedly tried to obtain a drivers license with fake documents is in custody for injuring an off-duty police officer at the offices of the Barbados Licensing Authority. The off-duty officer was among the people at the office to transact business when another customer presented documents that Licensing Authority officials rejected as fraudulent. […]
Off-Duty Police Officer Injured in Altercation

An off duty policeman was attacked and injured while transacting business at the Licensing Authority in the Pine. Tonisha Rock- Yaw with the report.