Trident Criticism Is Fear Mongering, Says Mottley

Trident Criticism Is Fear Mongering, Says Mottley

Prime Minister Mia Mottley has dismissed criticism of the new Trident ID card as opposition politics and fear mongering as the minister directly responsible assures the public that their data is safe.

The issue was among the first topics raised during, St. Peter Speaks, the latest in the series of government town hall sessions.

The first question from the floor came from a member of the public who held up a copy of the newspaper article in which President of the Democratic Labour Party Dr. Ronnie Yearwood advised the public against collecting their Trident Identification Cards.


But Prime Minister Mottley believes a lot of the concern about data security is being stoked by her political opponents.


Miss Mottley accused critics of trying to stoke fears.


Meantime, Minister of Industry, Innovation, Science and Technology, Davidson Ishmael, sought to reassure the public that their data will be safe.

He said the previous card was vulnerable to fraud.


He stressed that some aspects are optional.

Minister of Industry, Innovation, Science and Technology, Davidson Ishmael.

President of the Democratic Labour Party, Dr. Ronnie Yearwood, rejects Prime Minister Mia Mottley’s accusation of fear mongering.

He insists that the public’s concerns about the new trident card are serious and need to be addressed by government.

President of the Democratic Labour Party, Dr. Ronnie Yearwood

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