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Wibisco Among Businesses Opting Out of Price Compact/Eggs Excluded.


Several companies have opted out of the prices compact signed today, as government points out that eggs are excluded and Prime Minister Mottley appeals for the public to be patient as the administration tries to tackle the cost of living and other issues.

Miss Mottley was speaking this afternoon during the signing of the renewed agreement between government and the private sector that limits mark-ups on a list of items.

Noting that Parliament tomorrow commences debate on government’s estimates of revenue and expenditure Prime Minister Mottley signalled that the country has to continue to in her words “hold strain” warning that the nation continues to battle challenges.

She was responding to suggestions that government could do more to keep prices down.

Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley.

President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Anthony Branker,  says the private sector sees the compact as part of their social responsibility.

But he noted that the agreement to limit mark-ups was burdensome for many and disclosed that some companies have opted out, such as Wibisco.

President of the Barbados Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Anthony Branker.

Meantime, Kerry Symmonds, Senior Minister responsible for coordinating the productive sector announced that eggs are excluded from the list of items on which mark-ups will be limited.

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