Elder Care Straining Government Resources

Elder Care Straining Government Resources

Government has served notice that this country’s growing elderly population is fast outstripping its capacity to provide state care and it plans to shift the burden for elder care back to homes and communities.

The situation was outlined by Minister of People Empowerment and Elder Affairs Kirk Humphrey speaking on VOB’s Down to Brasstacks call-in program.

He had called into the program to clarify the issues relating to an attorney who has announced his private office has drafted elderly care legislation, a document Mr. Humphrey says he’s yet to see.

Mr. Humphrey disclosed that government is considering providing some level of funding to families who are taking care of their elderly at home.

The Minister disclosed that in about 25 years the majority of the Barbados population will be over sixty. That presents a problem for government in being able to provide state care.

He outlined the rationale for the new approach.


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