Road Fatality

A motorcyclist has been killed in a collision with a car on Fontabelle Road, St. Michael.
Price Compact Key Govt Response to Public’s Concerns says Senator

Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s office, Senator Dr. Shantal Monro-Kinght has highlighted the price control deal as one of the key initiatives of the government aimed at responding to the concerns of the population. She was leading off debate in the Senate on the plant protection bill which she says is part of […]
Alwyn Jordan to Act as Governor of Central Bank of Barbados

Mr. Alwyn Jordan has been appointed Acting Governor of the Central Bank of Barbados by its Board of Directors, until further notice. The appointment of Mr. Jordan, who has served as Deputy Governor since October 2019, is consequent on the departure of Mr. Cleviston Haynes, who demitted office on January 31, 2023. “I wish, on […]
Appeal for Barbadians to Collect Their New Trident I.D. Cards

Around 90 thousand people have yet to collect their new Trident national ID cards as the Minister of Industry, Innovation, Science and Technology Davidson Ishmael urges that the cards be collected. He was speaking on the side lines this morning of the launch of the local number portability initiative. Mr. Ishmael said they have addressed […]
Farmers Opt Out of New Price Compact

The Barbados Agricultural Societysays farmers will not be participating in the price compact extension agreed between government and the business sector under the social partnership. CEO of the BAS, James Paul, revealed the farmers position while speaking to journalists after an Agrofest workshop. He says the farmers had a meeting on the matter and are […]
Minister Denies Claims in Hospital Video

The Queen Elizabeth Hospital denies it ran out of dressing materials such as gauze earlier this week and dismisses a video being circulated about the matter as propaganda. Minister of State in the Ministry of Health, Dr. Sonia Browne, who has direct responsibility for the QEH, issued the denial on VOB’s Down to Brass Tacks […]