Lashley Added to Rowe Legal Team

Attorney at law Michael Lashley has been added to the legal team of Deputy Speaker of the House of Assembly, Neil Rowe, who had a new look team of lawyers today as he made another court appearance on a rape charge. When Mr. Rowe, the MP for the St. Michael North West constituency made his […]
Football Gun attack and Fast-food Robbery Reports False Say Police

The police say that reports that were widely circulated on social media alleging an armed robbery at a fast food outlet and a shootout at a football match last night are false. Starcom Network News had received several queries from anxious members of the public seeking to verify the reports. However, the police service says […]
New Price Compact Likely

One day before government’s price control compact with the Social Partnership is due to expire, talks have commenced on extending the measure. Starcom Network News has learnt that business leaders from the Barbados Chamber of Commerce and top government officials will be having discussions this week on renewing the deal which some leading business figures […]