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Government to Commence Phased Exit from Sugar Sector


The 2023 Barbados sugar harvest that commences next month will be the last crop that government fully subsidizes.

Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Indar Weir, tells Starcom Network News that government’s phased withdrawal from the sector commences in April, the start of the new financial year.


Mr. Weir notes that government has been providing close to 30 million dollars a year in subsidies to the sector.


But he stresses the exit will be gradual.

Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Indar Weir.

Meantime, Mark Sealy, Chairman of Barbados Sugar Industry Limited, the grouping of private farmers says discussions are underway and the BSIL is working with government on the privatization of the sugar industry.


Mr. Sealy predicts a better sugar cane harvest for this year than what was achieved in 2022.

He says the private sector farms are ready for the harvest which should commence by February 15th provided there is dry weather to allow the start.

Mark Sealy, Chairman of Barbados Sugar Industry Limited.

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