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Electricity Rate Hike Decision by Next Month


The Fair-Trading Commission is expected to rule by the end of January on the rate hike request by Barbados Light and Power Company.

But some intervenors are frustrated over the length of time it is taking for a decision to be handed down and are concerned over the process.

In October last year, citing increase in costs, the BL&P announced its intention to seek an 11.9 percent rate hike which would be its first increase on base rates in eleven years.

And in September of this year, just ahead of the commencement of the formal rate hearing, the FCT granted an interim increase of 50 percent of the amount requested.

The public hearings commenced shortly after and concluded in mid-October with an expectation of a ruling by this month.

Kathy-Anne Belle, the FTC’s acting Director of Utility Regulation tells Starcom Network News the FTC expects to announce a decision in January.

She notes there has been a large amount of information to review.



But one of rate hearing intervenors, Lieutenant Colonel Trevor Browne, is displeased with delay in making a ruling.

Lieutenant Colonel Browne, the representative of the Coalition of Cooperatives is also unhappy with the overall rate review process.

Electricity rate hearing intervenor, Lieutenant Colonel Trevor Browne

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