VAT-Free Day Wednesday

For the second successive year, government is granting Barbadians a Christmas ease with a VAT-free shopping day in the week before Christmas. Starcom Network News has confirmed that government has approved Wednesday of this week as a value-added tax holiday. A similar initiative was implemented in the days leading up to Christmas last year with […]
Electricity Rate Hike Decision by Next Month

The Fair-Trading Commission is expected to rule by the end of January on the rate hike request by Barbados Light and Power Company. But some intervenors are frustrated over the length of time it is taking for a decision to be handed down and are concerned over the process. In October last year, citing increase […]
Roll Out of Crime Plan Commences

Eight of fifteen initiatives have been rolled out as a part of government’s immediate measures under the new national plan for crime prevention and reduction. This has been revealed by the Minister of State in the office of the Attorney General with responsibility for crime prevention, Corey Lane. Mr. Lane tells Starcom Network News that […]
RSPCA Wants Strict Regulations for Illegal Animals

The RSPCA wants stricter regulations to be put in place to control and monitor exotic and illegal animals being smuggled into the country.
Teachers Union Say 1st Term Fair/Lawrence T. Issues to be Resolved

The Barbados Union of Teachers says the first term of this school year went fairly well despite several challenges across some of the island’s schools.