NCF Pays Tribute to Simone Codrington

Communications Specialist for the Barbados Workers Union, Simone Codrington has passed away. Her former colleagues at the National Cultural Foundation where she also worked as a communications specialist were shocked at the news of her passing. Chief Executive Officer of the NCF, Carol Roberts-Reifer who worked with her for a few years shared her impression […]
Food Drive to assist 500 families for Christmas

A community activist has launched a food drive to assist 500 needy families for the holiday season. Activist Kevin ‘Sluggy Dan’ Watson is encouraging Barbadians to support an event on Christmas Eve that will provide some young people with necessities. He also encourages support for a fund raising event hosted by the recently appointed […]
AG says Statement by Bishop Atherley is Attack on Judiciary

Attorney General Dale Marshall has described, as a shameless attack on the judiciary, a statement made by former Opposition Leader Bishop Joseph Atherlely, regarding Monday’s High Court decision which decriminalized some sections of the sexual offenses Act in Barbados.
Government to Foster Private/Public Partnership to Build Houses

The ministry of housing and lands, and maintenance intends to partner with BJ investments to provide more affordable housing options for middle and low income earners. Government officials, and staff from the National Housing Cooperation, toured the ridge meadows housing project in Christ church to view some of the work being undertaken there to build […]
Cyber Breach Affects Harrison’s Point

The Queen Elizabeth Hospital has reported that operations at Harrison Point were affected by yesterday’s cyber security threat. The hospital disclosed in a statement that due to the lack of internet and systems access at the hospital, the following temporary changes will take effect from today: New prescriptions issued in the outpatient clinics and the […]