SISA Calls for Talks On Privatising Sugar Sector

SISA Calls for Talks On Privatising Sugar Sector

The union representing government-employed supervisors and managers in the sugar industry wants talks with the government on plans to privatise the sector.

Yesterday, Agriculture Minister Indar Weir reiterated the government’s intention to turn the Portvale Factory over to private investors.

He also said the state-owned sugar farms would be taken over by the workers.

But all this comes as news to Dwight Miller, President of the Sugar Industry Staff Association, which represents supervisors and managers at Portvale and the farms operated by the Barbados Agricultural Management Company, BAMC.


He wants talks on the matter.

Voice of: Dwight Miller, President of the Sugar Industry Staff Association.

Meantime, Chairman of Barbados Sugar Industry Limited, Mark Sealy, who speaks for the private sector farmers, describes the privatisation plan as a good one but warns it’s not a done deal and could take years for the transition to be completed.

Voice of: Chairman of Barbados Sugar Industry Limited, Mark Sealy.

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