Some School Operations Returning to Pre-Pandemic Status

When the new school year commences shortly school opening and closing times and the arrangements for extra-curricular activities will return to what they were prior to the covid-19 pandemic. This is among a number of plans for resuming face-to-face classes outlined in a memo to principals from the Chief Education Officer. The circular states that […]
Battle Brewing at BAMC

The state-run Barbados Agricultural Management Company is being accused of arbitrary dismissal of workers and President of the Congress of Trade Unions and Staff Associations, Edwin O’Neal, warns there could be an industrial battle. He raised the issue in a call to VOB’s Down to Brasstacks program where he noted that grievances have already been […]
Shots Fired at St. Matthias

Shots were fired at St. Matthias, Christ Church last night but our sources have indicated no one was injured nor property damaged. The incident has prompted residents there to join others in urging the police and judicial system to do more to deal with violent criminals to stem gun crime. A resident of St. Matthias, […]
Hanging Not the Answer-Don’t Blame Lawyers for Bail Say Attorneys

A suggestion to resume hanging as a response to a surge in homicides has been rejected by former President of the Barbados Bar Association, Andrew Pilgrim, and Member of the Constitution Reform Commission, Senator Gregory Nicholls. Speaking on VOB’s Down to Brasstacks call-in program, Mr. Pilgrim, one of this country’s most prominent criminal attorneys indicated […]
Barbados and Belize to Pilot Code Caribbean Project

Barbados is one of two countries selected to pilot the Inter-American Development Bank’s Code Caribbean Project. The two-year computer science project will be implemented in Barbados and Belize and seeks to increase innovation in the classroom. Speaking during the launch of the project Minister of Education, Technological and Vocational Training, Kay McConney, said this initiative […]
CARPHA Looking to ICT to Improve Healthcare in the Caribbean

CARPHA looking to Information Communication Technology to enhance the delivery of health care in the Caribbean. Jamaica’s Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr. Christopher Tufton said they are looking to ICT for the required changes in the healthcare sector and to enhance the delivery of the highest quality of patient care in public health. Dr. […]