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Hoteliers Blame High Airfares for Expected Bleak Summer

2010 - Javon Griffith - Barbados

A day after top officials of the Barbados Hotel and Tourism Association reported weak summer bookings hoteliers say high airfares to Barbados are a big part of the problem.

According to the BHTA, occupancy forecasts for the period down to October range from around 48 percent to as low as 27 percent.

Group Sales and Marketing Manager of Little Good Harbor and Atlantis Hotel, Javon Griffith, confirms the bleak summer prospects and blames the high cost of travel to Barbados.


Mr. Griffith says there is a great difference in airfare to competing Caribbean islands, making Barbados the most expensive destination to which to fly.

Mr. Griffith says in discussion with the Barbados Hotel and Tourism Association during the annual general meeting, a suggestion was made to approach the airlines.

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