COP: Serious crime down 24% || Gun crime to be tackled

COP: Serious crime down 24% || Gun crime to be tackled

Police Commissioner Richard Boyce reports serious crime overall is down by 24 per cent and in his Christmas message admits some concern over gun crime but promises that will be addressed.

Mr. Boyce notes that the covid-19 pandemic has presented some challenges for the service and commended his officers for their devotion to duty.

He added that, regrettably, some of them contracted the disease and had to go into quarantine and that the service has also lost a few of its members.

The police commissioner says that, operationally, they have had an encouraging year in policing public safety with serious crime down by 24%.

He says firearm crime continues to be of concern and promises that during the coming year all of their resources, along with expected collaboration of communities, will be brought to bear on this matter.

Starcom Network
Starcom Network
Lunchtime Edition

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