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Four more covid-19 deaths but positivity rate down


Barbados has now recorded 244 COVID-19 related deaths after four people died over the last two days.

On Monday, a 61 year old woman passed away at the Harrison’s Point Isolation Facility.

Additionally, three people died yesterday.

A 61-year-old man succumbed to the virus at the Harrison’s Point Isolation Facility, an 87-year-old man passed away at the Accident and Emergency Department of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital and a 93-year-old man died at the Blackman and Gollop Isolation Facility.

127 new covid-19 cases, 57 males and 70 females were recorded from one thousand, 206 tests conducted by the Best-dos Santos Public Health Laboratory yesterday.

This represents a positivity rate of around 10.5 percent compared to the roughly 18 percent at the height of the recent surge.

There were 293 people in isolation facilities and two thousand and 62 in home isolation.


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