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10 More Covid Deaths

covid19 update

Barbados yesterday recorded a record nine covid-19 deaths and almost 250 new cases.

The latest covid-19 update from the ministry of health states that five females aged 54, 59, 61, 64 and 65, and four males, aged 62, 65, 71 and 93 passed away on Sunday.

Two of them were fully vaccinated.

Their deaths increased Barbados’ covid-19 fatalities to 139 as of yesterday.

Meantime, the one thousand, 255 tests done by the public health laboratory yesterday produced 247 positives with 49 of them being under the age of 18.

There are now almost six thousand people in covid-19 isolation in Barbados, 788 in isolation facilities, and four thousand 952 in home isolation.


Starcom Network News has also learnt that there was at least one additional covid-19 fatality this morning.

A 40 year-old bank employee passed away at the Harrison Point isolation facility where she had been placed on a ventilator.


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