St. Lucian’s Vote July 26

St. Lucia Prime Minister Allen Chastanet has announced that the next general elections will be held in just under 3 weeks. Mr. Chastanet made the announcement during an address to his country last night.
Millions For Covid Relief and Ash Clean up

Struggling families and people put out of work by the covid-19 pandemic have received a further ten million dollars in assistance and laid off former employees of LIAT also got more than 1.7 million dollars in financial relief. These disbursements form part of more than 22 million dollars today approved by the House of Assembly […]
Elsa Divide

The acting Director of Trinidad and Tobago’s Meteorological Services Division, Ezekiel Sampson, is under investigation by his bosses and his department has also been banned from speaking to the media after he declared that Elsa was not a hurricane contrary to statements issued by Barbados and the National Hurricane Centre in Florida. Mr. Sampson, speaking […]
Sparks Fly

As residents in several areas continue to complain about power outages in the wake of Hurricane Elsa, the Fire Service reports it has been responding to a series of utility poles on fire triggered by dislodged trees and branches coming into contact with high tension wires. One such incident last night involved a high tension […]
Chapman’s Warning

The Covid-19 Monitoring Unit continues to haul a number of people before the courts as it complains of a decline in compliance with the protocols. Head of the unit Ronald Chapman tells Starcom Network News, public transport is a particular concern. He also issued a warning with regards anyone thinking about holding a birthday party […]