COVID-19 forces primary schools exam changes

The Ministry of Education is putting in place a new system for end of year assessments for primary school students. In a circular to principals of public primary schools this week, acting Chief Education Officer Joy Adamson said given the expected learning loss and lack of learning exposure from the Covid-19 Pandemic, mitigating measures are […]
Suspected covid-19 case at a private school

The St. Gabriel’s School reports it has a possible covid-19 case. An email from the assistant principal, addressed to parents and guardians noted “as is mandated by the Government, the Ministry of Health and Wellness is guiding us through this process, ensuring that due diligence is exercised.” The email added that ” although we appreciate […]
Taitt knocks government on “rushed bills”

Independent Senator Monique Taitt has yet again criticized government for bringing bills before the upper house of which she says are legally flawed. During her contribution debate to the Temporary Right to Severance Payment for Layoff or Short Time Bill, she expressed concern that government was using its majority numbers in parliament to have what […]
Vaccination pressure

Barbados may be under pressure to ensure a wider cross-section of workers in this country is vaccinated, especially those who work in any capacity connected to tourism. As Barbados looks to re-launch its cruise tourism sector from next month, Chairman of the Barbados Hotel and Tourism Association, Jeffrey Roach, has confirmed that some of the […]