Some small businesses get financial help during lockdown

Some small businesses get financial help during lockdown

Government has announced plans to compensate small business operators who will be affected by the two week covid-19 lockdown.

The disclosure was made by Minister Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Kerrie Symmonds, during the COVID-19 update media conference.

He says shop operators will receive $750 dollars per week during the lockdown while vendors will receive $250 per week.

He also notes that other types of businesses will be given assistance during the lockdown.

He says restaurants will not be allowed to operate due to the serious nature of the coronavirus at this time.

During the lockdown Beaches will be open between 6am-9am for exercise purposes only.

Education Minister Santia Bradshaw announced government will be distributing 60,000 care packages to assist the most vulnerable during the lock down between the 9th-11th of February.

Minister of Health Lieutenant Colonel Jeffery Bostic confirmed that there was positive covid-19 case at the Geriatric hospital at Beckles Road.

The Manager of Isolation Facilities Dr. Corey Forde gave update on patients in critical care.

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