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Crop Over anxiety


Amidst a resurgence of covid-19 cases overseas, Barbadian promoters and Kadooment band leaders are becoming increasingly anxious about the prospects for Crop Over 2021, even though they say they remain hopeful.

Chairman of Baje International and CEO of South Central Entertainment , Richard Haynes tells Starcom Network News the trends overseas are a worry.

He thinks Crop Over fetes are likely but having large bands is a different matter, unless there is a “COVID miracle soon.”

Rondelle Jones, General Manager of the Aura Experience remains optimistic but also believes the latest developments with covid-19 overseas are cause for worry.

Chetwin Stewart, the former President of the Barbados Association of Masqueraders and Band leaders tells Starcom Network News he is now focussing on event promotion and recently commenced a new venture.

He wants to see government providing more help to promoters and he’s hopeful that will be forthcoming.


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