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Masks no longer mandatory in classrooms


It will no longer be mandatory for students and teachers who have returned to school to wear face masks while physical distancing in the classroom.

This new development was announced by Acting Chief Education Officer, Joy Adamson, who stated there were some concerns about the length of time students are expected to keep on the masks.

However, she emphasized that masks are to be worn at all other times.

Mrs. Adamson said the Ministry of Education, Technological and Vocational Training had consulted with Acting Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Anton Best, who informed the Ministry that the aspect of the Guidelines for the Safe Reopening of Schools in Barbados, which states: “Enforce the wearing of face masks at all times while on the compound”, would be amended.

She added that the Ministry of Health and Wellness recommends the following:

“In circumstances when children are stationary and physically distant – six feet apart – from each other (such as in the classroom or during examinations), fabric face coverings or face masks may be removed.”

The Acting Chief said the amendment also applied to teachers.  

Secondary school students completing or doing SBAs for CXC returned to school last week, while Class Four primary school pupils preparing for the Barbados Secondary Schools Entrance Examination started school on Monday. (BGIS)

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