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Curve flattened in Barbados, says head of UWI COVID-19 task force


The head of the University of the West Indies COVID-19 task force, Professor Clive Landis, reports a flattening of the curve of the virus in Barbados and elsewhere in Caricom and believes the response teams have generally done a good job in containing the spread of the virus.

Professor Landis, the UWI’s Pro-Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate studies, an expert in medical research who also headed the university’s Zika task force says there has been a recent batch of positive tests here but feels this is to be expected.

While noting there have been issues in Jamaica, The Bahamas, Guyana and Haiti, Professor Landis expects a gradual reopening of the economies over the next several months but with the social distancing and other protocols remaining in place.

And he warns that mass events like carnivals are unlikely to take place until a vaccine has been found.

Professor Landis also says a spike in cases can be expected when flights resume and the tourist season recommences.

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