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Faith Talks IG Concerts, Lockdown and Keeping Occupied

Up Close & Personal SNI fAITH

What’s new with Faith?
“I’ve started an Instagram concert series called Soca Lockdown, where I invite some of my Soca friends to join my live for an hour long concert to keep our fans engaged and entertained. I’ve also started an online Graphic Design course to keep myself occupied. I’m also doing some reading and catching up on some Netflix series

How do you think the lockdown is impacting the music industry?
COVID-19 has affected a lot of sectors in the World and Barbados is no different. Being in the entertainment sector, we are taking a major hit. For those relying on hotels, restaurants etc like dancers, musicians and singers there is an uncertainty as to when things may go back to ‘normal’. We can only hope for the best and do everything we can to get through this together.

Interview by Digital Content Producer Azania Phillips

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