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Teachers want schools closed


Teachers are refusing to accept the government’s decision to keep schools open and cabinet is to discuss the issue again tomorrow in order to decide whether that position needs to change.
This follows an online forum between teachers and education and health officials in which the educators voiced concern about having schools open while government has ordered restrictions on public gatherings to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Barbados.
Education Minister Santia Bradshaw insisted there was no need to close schools, saying there would be no panic reaction to the virus.
But the Barbados Union of Teachers (BUT) has issued a statement making it clear they’re opposed to schools staying open and President of the Barbados Secondary Teachers Union (BSTU), Mary- Ann Redman, tells Starcom Network News her members are not happy with the ministry’s position and she plans to make that clear in a followup meeting requested with the minister and due to take place tomorrow.

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Meantime, Starcom Network News understands that Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley has requested that the issue be discussed at tomorrow’s cabinet meeting after which a decision will be made.

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Lunchtime Edition 18 March 2025

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