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Sugar harvest not off to sweet start


The 2020 Barbados sugar harvest is reportedly off to a rough start due to a series of setbacks for a number of reasons.

Starcom Network News understands that while canes have been delivered to the Portvale Factory in St. James, no grinding has begun, despite an official start date of February 25th.

It’s understood that not only is there not enough bagasse to start the boilers but, according to President of the Sugar Industries Staff Association, (SISA) Dwight Miller, there persists grievances among some employees.

Mr. Miller says of even more concern for his union is job security of senior employees of the state-run Barbados Agricultural Management Company (BAMC ), that runs the factory.

He says while management has indicated a willingness to meet with SISA, many of the concerns among employees could have been avoided before the start of the crop.

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