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Hand sanitizer scarce || Private Sector preparing for possible COVID-19 outbreak


Chairman of the Barbados Private Sector Association, Edward Clarke, says it’s too early to determine how the Barbados economy will be affected by the global fall-out from the coronavirus but there’s cause for concern.

He tells Starcom Network News there’s a general worry about the implications if the virus continues to spread.  In the interim, many businesses have been sharing with staff procedures to limit the spread of the virus.

Mr. Clarke says the issue is sure to be a key topic when the members meet next week.


Meantime, local retailers report stocks of hand-sanitizers and similar hand-cleansing items running low as Barbadian consumers empty shelves due to concerns over the virus…international suppliers also said to be running low on stocks.

Managing Director of Massy Stores Randall Bandfield tells Starcom Network News customers are taking the coronavirus threat very seriously.

He says efforts are on to replenish supplies.

Also, Barbados’ Health Authorities are again telling the public there’s no need to panic over the global coronavirus outbreak, giving the assurance that the country has enough experience and experience to deal with the matter.

They were speaking at a public forum on the coronavirus hosted by the Barbados Association of Medical Practitioners, BAMP, at the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre.

The medical officer responsible for port health, Dr. Manohar Singh, stressed that local health officials are capable of managing the virus.



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