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The Story of Bajan Artist Sheena Rose Featured On Vogue Instagram Page


According to a caption on the Vogue Instagram page, Bajan Sheena Rose will be featured this week. The posts give a snippet of about Sheena Rose herself and how she creates her art:

“Sheena Rose’s (@sheenaroseartist) work can get pretty personal – and she is not shy about it. “I am a black Caribbean woman from Barbados, and I strongly identify with that,” says the artist, who lives in the easternmost end of the island, St Philip. “Do not look for me to make it easier for you. I say what I have to say.”

Through drawing, painting, video, and performance, Sheena tries to create art that challenges the viewer in some way. “I always want the viewer to learn and feel something from my work. Most people find the work refreshing and honest.”

““I start my work in different ways. Sometimes I write out thoughts of how I see myself in the Barbadian space and draw in my small sketchbooks, listening to music, which also sparks emotions. Then I have a conversation with my best friends about politics, the everyday condition, the social structures. Finally I go to my studio and dance, paint on canvas, or create costumes. It is a never-ending process.”

Read more at @vogue.

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