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BLP Disputes Government’s Claim of Economic Recovery


The Opposition, Barbados Labour Party’s candidate for St. Michael South Central- Marsha Caddle says contrary to what government says, the economy remains in a slump.

She says regardless of the promises highlighted in the recent Central Bank report, Barbadians are not spending or investing as the cost of living is too high.

According to Ms. Caddle, the island now has “a perfect storm of economic instability and failure.”

She said, “notwithstanding government’s counting of chickens which have not yet hatched, in the form of the BNTCL sale and private capital projects which have been so mired in delays and public objection that one can hardly have any hope that they will be realized in time to make a difference.”

Expressing concern about the National Insurance Scheme and the international business sector, Ms. Caddle charged that government cannot manage its affairs.


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