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Hyatt Decision is Wrong


Social activist, David Comissiong, who was one of the most vocal opponents of the proposed Hyatt project, has called the decision to approve the project morally, socially and ethically wrong.

Yesterday, Prime Minister, Freundel Stuart, said that he expects to be in a position to give planning permission for the Downtown Hyatt project within the next seven days.

In a release this morning, Mr Comissiong criticized the Prime Minister for approving the 15 storey hotel without having any town hall meetings or consultations with the residents.

“When were the people – the ordinary Barbadian Citizens and residents – of the affected communities consulted by you or by the Town Planning Department that you have ministerial responsibility for, prior to your coming to this decision?  And I am referring here to the thousands of ordinary black working class Barbadians who reside in Wellington Street, Pondside, London Bourne Towers, and other surrounding residential areas, as well as to the thousands of Barbadians who religiously avail themselves of Browne’s Beach.”


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