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Parliamentarians Debate E-Cigarettes


Government today introduced a bill in Parliament mandating  that electronic smoking devices or e-cigarettes be subject to the same controls and health warnings on packaging as normal cigarettes.

The health services amendment bill was tabled by health minister John Boyce who warned about the serious health risks of smoking. He said, “this is an electronic device that vapourises a flavoured liquid and contains the addictive ingredient, nicotine. It is considered in the regulation  similar to the traditional tobacco product and is considered that after today, will be guided by the restriction of sale to minors and smoking in public places.”

Leading off the opposition’s contribution to the debate, Shadow Minister for health Dwight Sutherland, indicated his side supported the measure but he took a stance similar to that of opposition leader Mia Mottley during last week’s session, by stating that it was more important for the government to speak on the economic issues facing the country.

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