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St Joseph Residents Praise Improved Water Service


The Barbados Water Authority is being praised by St. Joseph residents and the Water Warriors group for what’s said to be a much improved water service after repeated and sometimes prolonged outages throughout last year. However, some of the residents still want to know if they’ll be getting rebates for the periods they went without water.

Over the course of the past two years, rural residents have complained profusely about the water supply and St. Joseph residents even staged a protest march outside the BWA headquarters. There has also been a management shakeup at the BWA.

The situation prompted a group of concerned citizens, dubbed the Water Warriors to organise weekend relief efforts where they would distribute bottled water to affected households.

But one of the key Water Warriors, David Davis, tells Starcom Network News the situation is now much improved. “Yesterday, I made the call to find out which areas were out (of water) and it was a very good feeling to know that there weren’t any areas that were out.”

He said that they had noticed a gradual improvement for some time, noting that even persons in the communities seem to feel as though they are experiencing an improved service.



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