Fatal shooting at Black Rock

A man has been shot dead at Black Rock, St. Michael. Starcom Network News understands the shooting occurred at Clevedale Road. This is the latest incident in a troubling resurgence of gun violence.
Shooting at Kendal Hill

A man has been injured in a shooting at Kendal Hill, Christ Church. Police and Ambulance Service personnel responded to the scene of the shooting that occurred just before 8 p.m. One man was shot in the arm. Starcom Network News understands a car drove into a track near a supermarket in the area, and […]
Truck crash

A truck driver suffered injuries when the flatbed truck he was driving collided head-on with a construction company dump truck at Lears, St. Michael today. The accident happened around 3:30 PM. The driver of the mangled flatbed truck had to be freed from the vehicle. He suffered various injuries, none of which was considered to […]
Driver dead at scene of overturned car

The police are at the scene of what at this stage is being treated as a fatal accident, even though Starcom Network News understands the exact circumstances remain under investigation. It was a single-vehicle accident at Six Roads, St. Philip where a car went out of control, hit a side walk and overturned. Starcom Network […]
Fatal fight at Psychiatric Hospital

A fifty year old patient of the Psychiatric Hospital is dead following an altercation between two inmates of the facility. The deceased is a 50 year old man who had been an inmate at the Black Rock, St. Michael institution the past three years. Starcom Network News understands that the now deceased and a 37 […]