Road repairs to be extended

Government plans to extend its road repair program. This has been disclosed by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transport and Works, Santia Bradshaw, who has promised St. George residents there are plans for more road repairs in that parish and elsewhere across the island. She was speaking at the St. George Speaks town hall […]
Establishment of vending zones essential, says PM Mottley

Prime Minister Mia Mottley has emphasized government’s intention to proceed with its delayed vending zone program, stressing highway vending is a safety risk that needs to be dealt with. Miss Mottley was speaking during the St. George Speaks town hall meeting in response to a query from a St. George resident about promised vending facilities […]
“Seven Up Sam” passes

Prime Minister Mottley has paid tribute to the late sports broadcaster Sam Wilkinson describing him as a true Barbadian sporting icon. Mr. Wilkinson, popular known as “Seven Up Sam” as a result of his popular former radio sports show, passed away this morning at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital following a brief illness. He was 82 […]
House destroyed in blaze at Black Rock

One house destroyed and another damaged in blaze at Black Rock. Fire officers have this morning been battling a fire at 3rd Avenue, Cleavedale Black Rock in which one house been destroyed and another damaged. Two fire tenders have responded as well as a crew from Barbados Light and Power Company. The MP for the […]