Shooting victim’s uncle wants crackdown on gun violence

Relatives of the latest shooting victim want strong action by the authorities to deal with a spate of gun violence and get the illegal firearms off the streets. This follows last night’s shooting of Kemo Sealy of Sargeant’s Street, St. John who suffered a shotgun blast to the chest and neck. The police say that […]
SSA working on post-strike backlog

The Sanitation Service Authority is working to erase a garbage collection backlog resulting from last week’s work stoppage. SSA Chairman, Ramon Alleyne, tells Starcom Network News, operations have returned to normal after some SSA employees were off the job last Monday and Tuesday demanding disbursement of a promised incentive payment. Mr. Alleyne insists that payment […]
Teachers sickout at Wesley Hall Junior

Wesley Hall Junior School has been forced to close at midday due to an apparent sick-out by staff. The Ministry of Education says in a statement that the Deputy Chief Education Officer, Glyne Price, was informed by the school’s principal, Herbert Gittens, that 22 members of the teaching staff were out sick. The statement added […]