Triggered fire alarm forces airport evacuation

Triggered fire alarm forces airport evacuation

Operations at the Grantley Adams International Airport were temporarily disrupted today due to an activated fire alarm on two occasions that resulted in the facility being evacuated.

Starcom Network News understands there were two incidents, one around noon and the other just before 2pm.

Passengers and airport staff congregated outside the airport while fire officials conducted checks and then gave the all clear.

Normal operations have resumed and there were no flight delays.

Meantime, airport management have issued a statement emphasizing that contrary to reports the airport was not on lockdown.

The statement confirms that the fire alarm was triggered and says that in line with their safety protocols all users of the airport were evacuated from the building.

It adds that the Barbados Fire Service and the airport’s safety team conducted a thorough investigation and found no emergency and once the all-clear was given, operations resumed as normal.

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