Protestors March Against Cybercrime Bill

Dozens of Barbadians took to the streets of the nation’s capital this morning to protest the Cyber crime Bill. The march was led by Unity Workers Union General Secretary Caswell Franklyn. The Cybercrime Bill which was passed in the House of Assembly in February this year seeks to outlaw the publication of sensitive information which […]
Fire at B’s Recycling/Renewed calls for its relocation

Member of Parliament for St. Thomas, Cynthia Forde, has indicated support for a reported plan to relocate B’s Recycling following the latest fire at the Cane Garden, St. Thomas business. A Saturday afternoon blaze at the recycling operation was brought under control by the Barbados Fire Service. Ms. Forde, who has previously led a protest […]
Fatal shooting

One man is dead, and another has been hospitalized following a shooting at Dunlow Lane, Bay Street St. Michael just before midnight last night. Starcom Network News understands a number of men were in a shed at a house when at about ten minutes to midnight, a number of shots were fired. One man was […]