Season of Emancipation/Crop-Over Launched

There will be a new Grand Kadooment route for Crop Over 2024. The announcement has been made by the President of the Barbados Association of Masqueraders, Jason Thompson, at the Crop Over media launch at IIlaro Court. He notes that the stakeholders including the NCF, the bandleaders and the security services have met on the […]
New Kadooment Route

There will be a new Grand Kadooment route for Crop Over 2024. The announcement has been made by the President of the Barbados Association of Masqueraders, Jason Thompson, at the Crop Over media launch at Ilaro Court. He notes that the stakeholders including the NCF, the bandleaders and the security services have met on the […]
Shooting at Rock Dundo

A man has been injured in a shooting at Rock Dundo, St. James, in which a stray bullet struck a nearby business place. Initial reports indicated it was a robbery due to the heavy police presence at the business place. However, Starcom Network News subsequently learned that it was an encounter between two men in […]
Some Kadooment band sections sold out already

Ahead of this evening’s media launch of Crop Over 2024, Kadooment band leaders have been gearing up for the festival and report preparations going well. President of the Barbados Association of Masqueraders, Jason Thompson tells Starcom Network News some bands have already launched and sales are going well so far. He said sections in some bands […]
DLP accused can’t be judge & Jury, says Reid

The man who filed a no-confidence motion against the Democratic Labour Party’s President, General Secretary and Executive Council is taking major issue with how the matter is being handled. Long-time DLP member Hartley Reid strongly objects to the parties who are the target of the motion being the ones to review it. Last night the […]
Discrepancies in no Confidence Motion Under Investigation

The Executive Council of the Democratic Labour Party has determined that there are discrepancies in a no-confidence motion filed against the party’s President and General Secretary and a further investigation is to be undertaken before a decision is made on the matter. This has been disclosed by DLP General Secretary, Steve Blackett, following a meeting […]