US Seeking to Ban Tik Tok

The US House of Representatives has passed a landmark bill that could see TikTok banned in America. It would give the social media giant’s Chinese parent company, ByteDance, six months to sell its controlling stake or the app will be blocked in the US. While the bill passed overwhelmingly in a bipartisan vote, it still […]
Top QEH Appointment Rankles Opposition Leader

Opposition leader Ralph Thorne is concerned about the appointment of an Englishman as CEO of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital as government defends the decision. Mr. Thorne raised his objections as the estimates debate turned its focus to the Ministry of Health and Wellness. He noted that government has disclosed that there were only two Barbadians […]
Peace Keeping Deployment Paused Until Installation of Interim Govt in Haiti

Plans for the deployment of Barbadian troops and other multi-national forces as peace-keepers in Haiti are on pause pending the establishment of a governing transitional council in the gang-ravished country. Kenya, which was to lead the UN-backed security mission has announced that the deployment of its police officers is on hold pending “a clear indication” […]
Striking BRA Staff Picket Pine Office

Striking Barbados Revenue Authority workers picketed the Pine, St. Michael office today in protest over a number of grievances including the alleged unfair dismissal of some employees. Disgruntled workers represented by the Unity Workers Union were armed with placards as they aired their concerns. The UWU’s General Secretary Caswell Franklyn told the media they are […]
Businessman Neville Rowe Dies

Barbadian Businessman Neville Rowe has died. He was the owner of the Julie’N Complex at Haggatt Hall, which subsequently became Skymall. He also opened a Julie’N Supermarket in St. Lucia. Mr. Rowe, who had been ailing was in his 70’s. A close friend of Mr. Rowe, and former Operations Manager at the then Julie’N Supermarket, […]