Govt Wants Faster Switch from Fossil to Renewable Energy

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Kerrie Symmonds wants the transition from fossil fuel to renewable energy to speed up stressing his concern about the country’s extremely high fuel import bill. Speaking during debate in the House of Assembly on amendments to the Utilities Regulation bill, Mr. Symmonds said the import bill was over […]
Boy Held with Mock Gun at Shopping Mall

A 14 -year-old boy is in police custody after being held with a replica firearm at Sheraton Centre Mall in Christ Church last weekend. Starcom Network News understands the youngster was held with the mock gun at the mall on Saturday. A video which has been making the rounds on social media shows the boy […]
Don’t Just Wait for Vat-Free Day Urges Ministry of Finance

The Ministry of Finance, Economic Affairs and Investment is noting a potential slowdown in economic activity due to people waiting for a VAT-free day and is urging the public to proceed as normal without any expectation of such a tax ease. A statement posted on the social media pages of the Government Information Service states […]
“Where’s the Money?” Severed Portvale Workers Ask

This country’s sugar industry is officially privatized from today and the more than one hundred workers severed from Portvale Factory yesterday say they now have to wait to see if any of them will be rehired. They also complain that it seems most of them will have to wait until next month to get promised […]